

In the search box above, you can search for Track, Album and Artist. Please note that you need to search using English terms.

Play a Song

Click over the name of a song. A new page will open. There, click on the play button. The song will play at the player below. If the player does not play from a mobile device site, then please click on the play button at the player interface. Other than that, you can also play a song by clicking on the thumbnail of the song. A song may be slow to play due to your limited internet speed or our server load.

Download a song

Click on the name of the song. A new page will open. There click on the download button. Download will soon start.

Play full album

Click on the album menu on the left side. You can see all albums. Click on the name of your desired album. A new page will open. Click on the play button. All songs in the album will play one after the other. You will be able to see the songs of the playlist when you click on the the playlist button of the player. Other than this, you can play all the songs of the album by clicking on the thumbnail of the album.

To find the discography of an artist or artist group

Click the ‘Discography’ bar at the menu on the left. There you will get the albums based on the artist or artist group.

Browser Cache

The website will use the local cache of the browser. Other than this, the sound files you have played will be saved in the browser cache, due to which you can smoothly browse the website and easily listen to songs.

IslamiGaan Team

The songs where artists or artist groups could not be determined, have been labelled as IslamiGaan Team in the artist section.